Sunday, April 26, 2009

How to recover hidden files and folders in flash drive, hard disk etc

You have had faced this problem many times and some people can easily get out of this problem. When you are working with windows operating system, you identify that the files and folders in your flash drive or hard drive are not available. Don't be worry, check properties of your pen drive and you seem that capacity is still the same. So files of your flash drive is really their and probably they are hidden. They cannot be recovered by setting windows explorer to show hidden files. This is most of the time caused by computer malwares. Sometimes they hide your folders and show pseudo folders with the same name, but they not open by clicking on. They are executable files and may infect your computer once clicked (no need of clicking all the time). If you arrange your files on flash drive by type these pseudo folders are in a group like application. So beware of them don't click :).

You can use following codes to recover your files and folders.

1. Go to run and type "cmd". It will open command prompt.

2. Then type "cd\" and press enter to return to root of the drive c: (where you have installed windows in)

3. Then type "cd G:" G is referred to your flash drive letter. Type your flash drive letter there and press enter.

4. Finally type "attrib -a -s -h -r * /d /s" and press enter and wait until it will recover your files. Good luck.

Definitions of DOS commands :-


attrib means attribute of file or folder

h means hidden
r means read only
s means system file
a means archived
* means all
/d means directory
/s means sub directory
cd means change directory
cd\ means change directory to root of the drive (back to root of the drive)

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